Johannesburg Temple

Johannesburg Temple
Johannesburg Temple

Friday, April 25, 2014

Take A Chance

Hey everybody, I can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post.  We had a baptism this past Sunday, which went super well.  His name is Felix Kwaku Agortimevor.  Have fun trying to pronounce that one.  He is an awesome guy from Ghana, who is here trying to find work.  He has a great family back in Ghana that will soon come join him in the waters of baptism.  Here is his awesome conversion story.  

One night not long ago, he had a dream where he was praying about the Book of Mormon and an angel appeared to him in his dream, and said look to my right.  He did and saw two white women crying and bearing their testimony about the Book of Mormon.  The next day he went to church for the first time and it was Fast Sunday.  The two white women that were in his dream got up and bore their testimony about the truthfulness of the book of Mormon and this Church.  Ever since then he has come to church and strengthened his faith in Christ.  I am so happy to have met Felix and helped him take the first step in to the waters of Baptism. 
In other news, this week has, well actually these last two weeks, have really flown by.  No other work is greater than God's work and I have seen this everyday in my work.  I don't have much else to say except this Gospel is true.  The sooner you take the first step and take a leap of faith the better.  I leave you now with my testimony.  My name is Keaton Segil.  Seven months ago last week, I was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I have labored hard and diligently for these past seven months and have seen miracles come to pass.  We have a Father in Heaven that loves us and is waiting to help us, but first we must ask.  Don't take my word for it.  Take a chance and pray.  Not only do I promise, but God promises that if you pray with a sincere heart and with real intent He will manifest the truth of it unto you.  I know and have seen this every single day for the past seven months.  Take a chance, I promise you, you won't regret it.

These things I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Elder Segil

Monday, April 7, 2014


Hey everybody.  Another great week here in the North-east.  I hope you enjoyed the pictures from last week and aren't too jealous.  I will try my best to bring a baby Lion home!

This week we had an Easter Braai in Matupa, so we spent a lot of time getting ready for that.  It went very well and we had lots of fun.  The senior couples are tired of chicken and pap, so we had hot dogs, beans and macaroni salad.  The Africans did not like it too much, but they ate it, of course, and took some home.  If it is edible, they will eat it.  Well I guess they will eat it even if it isn't edible, but that is besides the point.  We also had games for the kids to play.  We made a huge dart board and tied balloons to it and they threw darts at it.  It was a lot of fun.  I ran the dart board game and had a lot of fun.  There were other games like croquet going on, but everybody wanted to play darts.  They have never seen games like this before.  It was a very joyful experience and we get to do it again this week in Modjadji.

In other news we have three people on date to be baptised this month.  They are Rollys, Felix and Winny.  Rollys is from Modjadji and the other two are from the village in Matupa.  They are progressing very well and coming to church every week.  They will be baptised on Easter, so that will be pretty sweet.

I went to a crocodile ranch today, which was a lot of fun.  The're lots of cool things to do here on P-day.  I have been pretty lucky.  I got to hold a baby crocodile.  He was so cute, he tried to give me a kiss!

 Baby Croc!

Say Hello 

He wants a kiss!

Heads up!

Hey there!

Big Momma

Husband and Wife



Got to love the view!

Well Have a great week everybody!

Cheers, Elder Segil